For a Canadian employer to recruit an international worker two approvals must be achieved. The first is the approval of the local HRSDC office. This is the department of Government that evaluates local employment conditions and verifies that no Canadian is available for the position. The second approval is required from the Canadian Embassy in which the international candidate resides. Recruitment Solutions International Ltd. (Recruitment Solutions) has experts in both processes and can assist you as a Canadian employer in obtaining the necessary approvals from HRSDC and the Canadian Embassy to recruit international candidates.
The demographics of the Canadian work place mirror that of the United States, England and other English speaking democracies. Our work force is aging while replacement workers are not keeping pace with planned retirements. The net result of this trend is a shortfall of qualified workers in Canada. This shortfall that is just now becoming recognized as a significant threat to the business plans of many Canadian businesses, will be further compounded over time as the shortage of skilled workers increases. In an environment of labour shortage Human Resource planning has to include a comprehensive mixture of local recruitment, retention of existing workers as well as international recruitment.
For more information on the international recruitment contact Recruitment Solutions International Ltd. at:
Email:[email protected]
Toll Free: (800) 353-6687
* Recruitment Solutions International Ltd. is a wholly owned subsidiary of WorldWide HealthStaff Associates Ltd. www.healthstaff.org
Phone: 403 243-5888 • Toll Free: 800 353-6687 • Fax: 403 287-0550 • Email: [email protected]